Saturday, October 08, 2011


As promised, this entry is once again about our Intramurals \:D/ epic epic day. OK here's the thing. I'm procrastinating right now. I have a million things to do in sooo little time but I just can't bear not blogging today. So yeah. Not gonna write what happened during the intrams in full detail. :P All I can say is... we were CHAMPIONS. oh yeah~

with bakla JULIA NOEL <3 MWAH

Senor Teb, unusually girly Katy and weirdo me =))

Best fight ever! like woah. My heart was.. pumping adrenaline non stop.

mga loka-loka =)) Che, Colesy, Conch. Woow triple C :>
... is it me or is it really coool here? oh wait, it's you =)

mga loka-loka part 2! =)) featuring the letter Y, the star and the runner

I feel like such a stalker taking a picture of a random stranger's bag.. =)) IT'S CUTE, OK??

Feeling drummer girl. geez. =))) di talaga eh... =))


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