As we all know, the Philippines has just experienced nature's wrath. (Did they already name the monsoon?) Luckily, I was one of those people who weren't really affected by the flooding. The perks of living on a bundok \m/ Anyways, I was stuck at home for a couple of days. As a result, the lazy bum in me came back to life! When I finished advancing on my subjects/just didn't want to nerd at the moment, it's either I nap, eat or net. -__-" But then one day, people started posting their artworks in FB. Even those people whom I didn't know were artists! And so I got inspired to do my own @u@
Ever since college, I've been neglecting the arts. :< The nerd in me wouldn't let me do my hobbies and all. It's like.. WHY DO THAT WHEN YOU CAN ADVANCE ON THIS INSTEAD? So yeah. I've been a nerd. :)) It's a me thing.
For the past couple of days, I have been ignoring nerd and have brought out the artist in me <3
OPPOSITES. Inspired by the Law of Attraction in Chemistry :Dv
Random sketch. Mummy says it looks like Katy. asdfgasdfg NO KAYAAA!!! =))
Summer boredom busters!
Materials used for coloring:
Faber Castell Watercolour Pencils
water brush from HK
Kurecolor alcohol-based markers
ProMarker alcohol-based markers
For outlining:
dark brown Staedler triplus fineliner
black Uni Pin fineliner - 0.1 and 0.3
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