random doodles, notes and sketches
angled shot
Before anything else, ignore the random doodles in the background Yes I know they are distracting. =)) This dress (U shape neckline with feather trimmings, uneven hemline, ethnic embroidery accents on the hemline and waistband) is actually inspired by Filipino designer Aries Lagat's dress from Philippine Fashion week May 2010. (See photo below) Sir Aries' dress has some native Indian-ish vibe in it so I figured maybe Ann would like to wear something like that in her debut. I was honored to witness the construction and the fitting of this dress when I was having my sewing course at the Fashion Institute of the Philippines. Such craftsmanship :O
Ignore everything except the dress in the middle. :P (the girl at the left is just a random sketch while the Elizabethan dress at the right is for the theatre club) I'm not so inlove with this dress though. It is a short hour glass dress with a wide V neckline, some gathers at the chest area, ethnic printed neckline, hem and waisband and a chiffon train at the back.
Ignore everything except the dress in the middle :P This number is with an X shape neckline, pleats at the center front and soft flowy gathers at the skirt and an uneven hemline.
This dress is kind of similar with the one in Ann's post. It is a short one shoulder (one-sleeve rather) dress with diagonal pin tucks at the skirt part and a detachable ruffled chiffon train embellished with ethnic or feathery doodads.
As for the hair, I want her to have short volumized hair with curls at the tips like Selena Gomez. I also want her to wear long triangular earrings. (see photos below)

For the headress, it should be a feathery headband or cocktail hat like in the photos below.

WOW! Im touched! ;;) ANOTHER POST FOR ME :"> hahaha okaaay. comments:
I like the 1st, 3rd, and 4th designs :))
But I'm choosing between the 3rd and 4th :)) good joooob girl! :> hehehe
as for the hair. :)) yeah, im thinking of curling the tips. :)) I DONT WANT THE SAME CURLES HAIR LIKE THE ONE SA PROM! :))) HAHAHAHA chinese poodle :| :)) lech. :)) as for the headress... :)) im liking the 1st one. :)) the one with the feathers. :) it really stresses out the chose theme of my debut :))
thanks, loves :> awesoooome \:D/
yeah i dnt like the 2nd dress too :l it gives me disgrace hahahahaha ayiheeee see how much i love you! :"> hahahha glad i could give some ideas :P
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