Ok here are some of the things that caught my attention in Taiwan - mostly architecture though. Besides fashion and other arts like photography, I also love architecture. I mean, I love seeing and taking photos of beautiful designs and all but me actually designing an actual building? ... no way. :P ZERO skill. I'll stick to fashion instead.
Right: curved corridor outside a temple
Left: corridors of some floors in a hotel. Mesmerising, right?
Right: sky-high stairs near a temple. What a journey climbing that thing!
Left: floor outside a templeRight: from the window in the plane
Left: A pillar in a hotel. See the contrast between the straight lines and the texture at the bottom.
Right: Taiwan 101 - the tallest building there. It has a mall inside <3 with lots of famous labels
Right: golden wall inscriptions at another temple
Right: Events place at a hotel. The white thing is for the lights. O0O I miss my days playing with the theatre lights and working with my fellow Dramatics Guild production crew. :) Boy, we were hella gay. =)) (not pertaining to gender)
Right: LOVE statue outside Taiwan 101
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